Mohamed Smeisem - Sky News Arabia Academy

Mohamed Smeisem

Mohamed Smeisem

Trainer of Arabic language skills and vocal recitation.. Journalist, proofreader and audio commentator
TV Production

Excellence in the media is attained through the word, so master dealing with the words.

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Mohamed Smeisem

Mohamad Smeisem - Trainer of Arabic language skills and vocal recitation. Journalist, proofreader and audio commentator who worked in a number of media outlets. He joined Sky News Arabia in 2019 and worked before that in Abu Dhabi Media. He also worked in children's programs, especially the famous program "Open Sesame". In his 14-year career, he trained a large number of media professionals in most media outlets in the United Arab Emirates.



What training courses will you present with Sky News Arabia?

The TV presentation session, from the perspective of vocal recitation and Arabic language skills for media professionals


What inspired you to work in the media sphere?

I am interested in working in language and words, both written and audio, and there is nothing closer to people than the voice and the right word spoken in a simple language on TV. 


What advice do you give to young students who aspire to work in the media and TV sphere?


Excellence in the media is attained through the word, so master dealing with the words whether in usage, in vocal recitation or in soundness.

Words are your means... train… learn… master then get started in the world of communication with the audience


Courses Coming Soon!